zen ki yoga®
The most effective healing system you will ever learn...

Macrobiotics Courses - Part 2 12 February 2022)
Location: ONLINE via Zoom

Macrobiotics Course - Part 2
Go deeper with macrobiotics to make changes to your health
Saturdays, 12 February - 12 March 9 - 11.30 am
Sessions will be recorded and available until the following Saturday morning.
Cost: $240 (early bird - pay before 10 January/$290 from 11 January)
GET 6 CPD with Yoga Australia (12 hours - 2 hrs = 1 pt as related to teaching = 6 pts/CEC points
Food is the fastest way to change your health, your body shape, your emotional responses and your overall well-being. This is an easy to understand course that is easy for you to put into practice.
The workshop is LIVE with Janie via Zoom. If you can't make it live, recordings will be available until the following Saturday lesson.
Sat, 12 February
yin and yang + 5 elements revisited
more facial diagnosis (face formation, pimples, colours and markings)
bum/brain connection
correlations between head, systems and organs
skin conditions
Sat, 19 February
4 body types
dairy, sugar, salt and more
transition to macrobiotics
Sat, 26 February
compresses, tumours, cysts etc
acid and alkaline
glycemic index
Saturday, 5 March
more health issues and their remedies
(inflammation, menstrual cramps, leg cramps, other pains, tooth ache, diarrhea, constipation, hiccups, kidney stones, nausea, seizures, heartburn, coughing, burns, appendicitis, anemia asthma and more...
Saturday, 12 March
more health issues and their remedies (con't)
other bits and tips